Courses and Workshops:

When I started jumping cameras in 1991, there wasn’t any easy way to learn. Sending letters, asking questions to pro camera flyers, traveling and meeting them and shooting internationals events, gave me experience and knowledge that I wanted to share with others. For that I have been giving courses and seminars since my first in Argentina in 1998, to help save headaches and mistakes to jumpers that wanted to learn and improve their skills. 

Few years later I create the Flying Camera School, and teach Courses also in Spain, Italy and Brazil and gave Seminars at the Parachute Industry Association Symposium in San Diego 2001, Barcelona 2008 and Daytona Beach 2015.

Now the FlyCamera courses are their online version, the goal is to match the learning experience of a classroom, using the latest presentation technology in audio and video, with the Zoom platform.

The course is for any skydiver that is interested in skydiving photography, videography and camera flying in all their forms and disciplines. We’ll discuss everything the students need to know to safely jump with cameras, what gear to use, how to avoid costly mistakes and learn and progress in the best possible way.

We’ll watch and analyse exclusive videos and photo examples of real situations from my archives, compiled at drop zones around the world, very useful to illustrate each topic. There will be a lot of information, tips and experiences to share, shooting all disciplines and type of events, day or night, at drop zones or at exotic places, in demostrations, etc. The idea is also to expand the program to skydiving in general, beyond cameras: how to keep jumping for long, being a professional in the sport, etc. I fyou already fly cameras this course will help you reach the next level!

The course are held over a series of three online meetings, 3 1/2 hours long (with breaks.)

Spaces are limited to allow better interaction within the group, for discussions and participants questions.

When you complete the form you'll be added to a waiting list, then will match you with the students from the different parts of the World, Time Zones and English or Spanish languages to fill the courses and set the dates.

Next 2024 Online Courses: please inquire in the form

Please fill the form if you’re interested. Thank you!

Por favor llena el formulario si estas interesado, muchas gracias!

Past Students Testimonials:

I really enjoyed the course, I think not only get you improve the skills and open your mind about many different aspects of aerial photography but also rises awareness about safety in the sport. I would recommend this to everybody, I learned more lot in two days about cameras and approach to the subject than even in 10 years of jumping.

If you think you know it all... you are wrong.... he does. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Master Yoda. Course for Master Jedis, Jedis and Padawans. Go for it guys!

If you’re interested in aerial photography while skydiving or experienced already, I highly recommend the course taught by Gustavo Cabana. He has a wealth of information and knowledge to share!

Had an awesome time with Gustavo in his last course. 3 evenings packed with information, tips, tricks and his huge experience. Loved to listen to his stories about what went wrong and how to prevent it. Also the challenges with Tandem and the RW team filming were discussed deeply. I can only recommend Gustavo's course and hope that I can soon continue to improve the filming of tandem faces.

I followed the last course you gave and I already feel my cam flying skills improved. My motivation in making better imagery and improving my gear also ended up super boosted!

What is one thing that you enjoyed the most?

- The host 
- Learning the inside tricks from Gustavo and his experience. The fact he was open about his mistakes and how he learned from them was fantastic to share with us.
- Good energy and cool environment 
- The sharing and discussion on students photographs and videos was really cool
- How to take FF pictures
- Acquiring information learned with experience by Gustavo, for exemple how is the position of a video under the formation and his breakoff, know which is the correct helmet setup
- Learning about various exit moves and all the mistakes that can happen. 
- How to shoot big and freefy formations
- The community and questions and the videos as well as hear about the things that go wrong and that were learned the hard way. Good to know I am not the only one who thinks it through to the wrong conclusion. 

What aspects of this course were most useful or valuable?

- The depth of knowledge and tips provided to use in different aerial photography situations.
- Getting information throughout past experiences
- All the small tips were really what I was looking for un this course. I learned a lot.
- Exiting for filming different types or actions. Gear settings and tuning 
- It allows you to have an overview of the role of a camflyer by discussing all topics 
- Most interesting were the sections about filming tandems, large groups, types of exits and the technical details for helmets, cameras and switches
- Jump and equipment safety instructions 
- Where to fly on various formations, exits, and wings

Class of June 2021

Promocion Junio 2021

Class of May 2021